Wednesday 18 August 2010

Time is flying by and I haven't had the time to do anything

Time seems to be rushing away with me.  It's already near the end of August and I haven't done anything for my cofa for what seems like an eternity.

I need to be more organised so I have set myself some targets.  I may need a bit of a push - so if you don't hear from me - get in touch and tell me to get on with it.

So here are my targets for my CofA for August - bearing in mind that there is just under two weeks left in the month.
  1. Make a list of the fleeces that I have and categorise them..
  2. Make a file up for each of the categories.
  3. Look up information on each of the fleeces that I have and file it.
  4. Put samples of raw and washed fleece for each of the categories in the file.
  5. Sort and clean one fleece for each of the following categories - AND DON'T FORGET TO LABEL IT!!!
    1. short wool and down
    2. longwool and lustre
    3. hill and mountain - or is it mountain and hill

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