Wednesday 7 April 2010

Update on Hampshire Down Fleeces

I have now collected 7 hampshire down fleeces - as per my previous post. I have to say, that they were a lot grubbier than I expected and there was a lot of vegetable matter in the fleece too. I will have to spend a lot of time meticulously picking through and washing the fleece. They were also a little more expensive than I remember discussing - I didn't think it was worth arguing about - but I certainly wont be recommending her to the other ladies in the guild.

Anyway, I now have a bulkbag full of Hampshire Down fleece to work my way through. It may seem a lot, but I do need a lot of practise at longdraw. They have got to be spun longdraw - but that's what you expect from a short stapled down fleece anyway as the staples have got a lot of crimp and they are very, very short. . Longdraw is not my favourite technique and my practise attempts so far have given seriously fuzzy yarns with some inconsistences in thickness.

Once the CofA is over and done with, I can't see me wanting to go out and get another job lot of of hampshire down fleece.


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