Tuesday 29 December 2009

Has it really been so long

I can't believe that I haven't posted anything here since October. I have been busy for the last few months with my latest project for my degree course, so the Certificate of Achievement has had to take a back seat.
I have been practising my spindle spinning and have found that I can spin much finer now that I have bought some seriously light spindles from Mike Williams at the Staffordshire Moorlands Guild's advent gathering. This has helped me with my fine spinning on my wheels.
I have begun to get the hang of spinning on the Ashford Traveller - it just took some getting used to as I was used to spinning on the Louet & Chitty. I had also bought another version of Chitty - named Chitty 2. This wheel would not draw and I was sure it was because the diameter of the bobbin was practically the same as the diameter of the wheel on the spindle. Selina had the marvellous idea of taking the smaller bobbin off Chitty to see if this solved the problem and it did - Yippee!!!
So I took the flyers of the wheels and handed these over to Mike Williams to see if he could make a couple of bobbins for me that would work. He reckons they will be done after Christmas - so I will hopefully hear something in the next couple of weeks.
Although Chitty is a clunky and noisy little thing, I do find it easy to spin finely on it - so I am quite looking forward to getting the flyers back so that I can get practising on the little darlings.
Selina has had an Ashford Joy with Carrying Bag for Christmas as the Louet was getting knocked about in the car when going to guild meetings. She has now got to get used to a new wheel too.

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